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King Roper School of Music

Helping You Achieve Your Musical Goals

Perfecting your craft is a must in the music industry, whether you sing at church, at entertainment functions, or even just for fun! Sign up for lessons with King Roper School of Music today! Tuition is only $80 a month (Unlimited access, books not included).


Piano and Keyboard

Bass and Lead Guitar

Drums and Voice


Fall Semester: September through December


Spring Semester: February through April


Summer Sessions: June through July

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As A Teacher

I believe everyone can learn, will learn and wants to learn; but must be given the opportunity, support and a positive environment to do so. With this in mind, I developed curriculums that reaches across age ranges to give everyone a new way to approach learning, teaching, and assessing for music mastery.

As A Musician

I want to reach out to others who are interested in learning music by offering self-teaching tools that gives a great starting point and direction to laying “A Firm Foundation” in music. These books were designed to empower musicians of all ages.

Register Today 

The Goal

To offer simple methods that teaches music theory and basic fundamentals that would serve individuals, schools, churches, and enrichment programs. Upon completion, you will gain a better understanding of what you hear and play. These methods have been approved and tested by those whom I have taught, mentored, and with whom I worked closely.

If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us at anytime.

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